Tuesday, November 8, 2011


1. Keywords
2. SVN
3. JM Exercises
4. JM Distributed testing
5. Report generator
6. Per-Rep overview
7. Log parser
8. Batch files scripting
9. VB script
10. Prop document
11. TPln document
12. Sever Metrics

Thursday, September 8, 2011

List of completed tasks

1. Utility to find the internet connection in all the machines. (PT) -- Done -- mts
2. Need to understand impact of network bandwidth on client side load generation. (PT) -- Done -- mts
3. Working under Linux environment. (All) -- Done -- mts
4. Automation script to find the sys config in a n/w. -- Done --mts 
5. DotNet Profilers -- Done -- mts
6. Sql Profilers -- Done -- mts

7. Setting up Performance Lab (Auto Perf Framework) (PT & AT) -- Done -- mts
8. List of items to learn by everyone. (PT) -- Done http://chkperftesting.blogspot.com/2011/11/perfresher.html
9. PT on Linux -- mts
10. Learning of multiple programming languages (C#, Java, VBScript, JScript, Perl etc.) in terms of automation i.e. how to launch, gather information, synchronize and close and application under test (AUT); manipulate and send test data to an AUT and generate test data. (AT) -- Done
11. Add JMeter Request Size (PT) -- Done
12. File groups -- Done
13. soasta.com/cloudtest/lite -- Done -- mts
14. Upload perf artifacts in SVN -- Done
15. Network Bandwidth Estimation -- Done
16. PageLoad Framework (Windows + C# + WatiN + IE,FF + Sql Serever + fyiReporting)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

PT Check List

1. Make sure all JS.bat cmds are running.
2. Make sure all time.bat and check the sync time in all machines.
3. Ping all the machines.
3. Make sure all the machines have internet connection with broadband speed
4. Check RAM size before execution.
5. Smoke run to find the req/sec
6. Consider the network bandwidth when is a perf run
7. Make sure all rawdata is collected from Master/Slave machines
8. Make sure all runs rawdata is copied in FTP
9. Make sure that network monitoring web page shows present time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Pending Tasks:

1. JMeter on Amazon EC2 (PT)
2. Learning one commercial tool (VSTS) (PT & AT)
3. In-depth knowledge on perf counters. (PT)
4. Use round values in table data for reporting.
5) Bandwidth Stimulation (Windows)
6) Pageload Report at Linux
7) Webpageload setup
8) Matrix / Excel for price calculation for Licensed tool
9) Work on WGET in linux for Apache Web server ExtendedStatus counters